Our Impact

Discover stories about our brand values, missions and learn more about Fresh.
close up of white flower in full bloom on blue background
Our Impact

Harnessing the Power of Florals

Brittan Bates

Global Brand Storytelling

4 min read

Our Impact

fresh x UNESCOโ€™s Man and Biosphere Program

Brittan Bates

Global Brand Storytelling

4 min read

Our Impact

Sourcing Story: Umbrian Clay

Brittan Bates

Global Brand Storytelling

4 min read

Our Impact

Sourcing Story: Mauritius Tea

Brittan Bates

Global Brand Storytelling

3 min read

Our Impact

Sourcing Story: White Truffle

Sara Anderson

Global Brand Storytelling

4 min read

Caring for the Skin of the Earth
Our Impact

Nurturing the Skin of the Earth

Sara Anderson

Global Brand Storytelling

3 min read

Our Impact

Innovation Story: Black Tea Age Renewal Cream

Sydney Solon

Global Marketing

3 min read

Our Impact

Sourcing Story: Super Lotus

Sara Anderson

Global Brand Storytelling

6 min read

Our Impact

The Inspiration Behind Our Newest Innovation

Sara Anderson

Global Brand Storytelling

3 min read

oamul lu x fresh
Our Impact

Oamul Lu x Fresh

Tori Douglas

Global Digital

1 min read

Fresh Promise
Our Impact

The Fresh Promise

Tori Douglas

Global Digital

2 min read