Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo

Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo

Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo

Rp 1.110.000

Temukan pengecer di dekat Anda

Toner harian yang tidak mengikis kelembapan esensial kulit wajah dengan kandungan hyaluronic acid yang dapat menyamarkan tampilan pori-pori sekaligus meningkatkan hidrasi hadir dalam ukuran jumbo dan limited edition
Toner best-seller yang diformulasikan bebas alkohol ini memberikan benefit dari bunga mawar yang tiada duanya: rose fruit extract yang meratakan warna kulit wajah, rosewater yang menyejukkan, rose oil yang menutrisi, dan rose petals asli. Produk ini menghidrasi dan membersihkan kulit dari sisa kotoran, melembutkan kulit dan mempersiapkan kulit untuk produk skincare yang akan Anda aplikasikan selanjutnya. Menghidrasi kulit secara mendalam Melembutkan dan mengecilkan tampilan pori-pori Mencerahkan dan mempersiapkan kulit untuk tahapan skincare selanjutnya
Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo-Hasil yang terbukti-Image
All-day strengthened skin barrier
said it instantly clears skin of impurities*
said skin instantly felt soothed & comforted*


Mengecilkan pori-pori
Sentuhan Warna
Hyaluronic acid mempertahankan kelembaban untuk meningkatkan kekenyalan.
Rose fruit extract dikenal karena manfaatnya yang meronakan wajah.
alt text
Angelica leaf extract dapat menjaga kelembapan kulit.
Rosewater membantu menenangkan dan menyejukkan.
Hyaluronic acid mempertahankan kelembaban untuk meningkatkan kekenyalan.
Angelica leaf extract dapat menjaga kelembapan kulit.
Rose fruit extract dikenal karena manfaatnya yang meronakan wajah.
Rosewater membantu menenangkan dan menyejukkan.


Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo
Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo
Tuangkan toner secukupnya pada kapas dan usapkan ke seluruh wajah dan leher Anda. Aplikasikan setiap hari, pagi dan malam, setelah pembersih dan sebelum serum juga pelembap.
Rose & Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Toner Jumbo-Cara Pemakaian-Image
Tuangkan toner secukupnya pada kapas dan usapkan ke seluruh wajah dan leher Anda. Aplikasikan setiap hari, pagi dan malam, setelah pembersih dan sebelum serum juga pelembap.
Gunakan dengan Soy Face Cleanser

Why do I want to strengthen skin’s barrier?

The key to hydrated, happy skin is a strong barrier. As you go about your day, your skin naturally loses water. A strong barrier helps retain water on the surface and deeper layers of the epidermis for a healthy look. We formulated Rose Face Cream and Rose Toner with damask rose because it’s unique like you. We chose this specific rose out of 200 species for its strengthening and hydrating characteristics to deliver a hydrated, dewy complexion.

What does having a strengthened skin barrier feel like vs. a weak skin barrier?

Having a strengthened skin barrier allows you to feel good in your skin. Your skin will look smooth, plump, and dewy and feel happy and hydrated. When the barrier is compromised, the water loss increases further, leaving the skin dehydrated, dry, and rough. You might also experience tightness, itchiness, or unpleasant reactions.

What is so special about damask rose extract?

This term refers to a specific in-depth hydration measurement taken on the skin. With this test, we are able to prove that our Rose Deep Hydration Face Cream instantly hydrates with a scientifically proven moisturizing effect on the deeper layers of the epidermis 72 hours after application.We traveled to the Rose Valley, Bulgaria to source our damask rose extract. We chose this specific rose out of 200 species for its special characteristics including strengthening the skin’s barrier and boosting skin’s natural hyaluronic acid levels. We like to think (and have proven) it’s unique just like you. At fresh, we’re known for traveling all over the world to unearth and elevate untapped power in nature in fresh new ways to awaken your skin’s potential. This is what makes fresh, fresh.

Why do I need both Rose Toner and Rose Face Cream?

Both products work to strengthen skin’s barrier. Rose Toner is the last step in cleansing the skin of impurities while refining the look of pores. This helps prep skin to better absorb the dewy goodness delivered by Rose Face Cream. It is two steps to a stronger barrier and dewier feels.