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Is Soy Face Cleanser good for all skin types & tones?
Yes. Our best-selling dermatologist-tested cleanser was proven effective on nearly 200 adults of all ages, genders, skin tones, and types—including sensitive!
Why do I need a cleanser that is pH-balanced?
The skin has a natural pH between 4-6 and using a pH-balanced cleanser can help to ensure the skins barrier is not disrupted, allowing skin to function at its full potential. Soy Face Cleanser is a pH-balanced formula (which means the formula’s pH is close to skin’s natural pH level), and it is also proven to maintain skin’s pH.
What steps did you take to improve the sustainability of Soy Face Cleanser?
In 2022, we removed the box for Soy Face Cleanser to eliminate 18.6 tons of cardboard* (each ton can save 17 trees, so that’s 316—or enough to cover an entire football field!). Additionally, our outer tube is made with 21% post-consumer recycled materials.** Lastly, our soy proteins are upcycled, aka repurposed from the food industry to help with excess waste. *150ml box production over 24 months **150ml size