The Face-Refreshing Advantages of Icing Your Skin

Tori Douglas

Global Digital

2 min read

Skincare Education

Unravel the perks of the current UK skincare sensation — skin icing.

skin icing

Ever relished the sensation of ice on your complexion? Well, there's a burgeoning trend on TikTok where individuals place ice directly on their skin or dunk their faces into frosty water for a while. Ostensibly, it's to reap a host of benefits, like reducing inflammation and puffiness. So, is ice good for your skin? Skin icing, in truth, is no novel beauty trick; similar practices have been conducted throughout history and across a multitude of cultures. Nonetheless, the rising popularity of this method is undoubtedly down to social media trends like skin cycling.

Exploring facial icing: What's it all about?

Facial icing, in essence, is the practice of using ice cubes to diminish the appearance of puffiness under the eyes or on the face. We've all tried the chilled spoon or cucumber slice trick on our eyes, right? There's actual scientific reasoning behind it. The application of ice on the skin causes blood to move to the surface, resulting in the soothing and tightening of the skin. This is akin to a cryotherapy treatment, which employs vaporised nitrogen to cool the skin of the scalp, face, and neck. You can also utilise beauty products for icing; simply pop them in the fridge prior to use.

How does icing affect your skin?

In the event of a sprain or muscular discomfort, application of an ice pack can be beneficial. It numbs the pain and reduces swelling by tricking your nerves and brain's pain signals. In skincare, the frosty conditions similarly lead to a temporary constriction of surface blood cells, decreasing blood flow to the region. This explains why cold compresses are a common solution for reducing eye puffiness, even in wintry UK climates.

The benefits of ice on your skin

The act of applying ice or chilled skincare products to your skin can yield numerous benefits. Delve into some of the advantages detailed below:

  • Shrink pore size: Icing the skin helps to decrease the visibility of enlarged pores and aids in the removal of blockages caused by excess oil and debris. This skin-toning effect results in a smoother surface for your skin and makeup.
  • Combat inflammation: Individuals with inflammatory skin conditions can find significant relief from cold therapy. As previously stated, it tightens your blood vessels and eases inflammation.
  • Revitalise your skin: Utilising a cryofacial can assist in shedding the outermost layer of dead skin cells, promoting the growth of new ones underneath more uniformly.
  • Tackle blemishes: Ice can alleviate the swelling and redness associated with spots. Icing can also aid the penetration of antibacterial agents into the pores due to its exfoliating effect.

Applying ice to your skin

There's an assortment of methods you can utilise to administer ice to your skin. Some folk prefer using implements, while others simply take an ice cube from the ice box.

  • Facial ice rollers: Ice rollers and ice orbs can glide over your skin, providing a pleasant frosty sensation. This ensures you're not subjecting your skin to an excessively cold temperature while lightly applying pressure.
  • Ice cube: Should you wish to employ an ice cube, it's sensible to encase it in cling film to prevent it from dribbling on your face and garments as it dissolves.
  • Frozen spoon: A frosty spoon performs outstandingly. The form of the spoon is ideal for managing baggy under-eye circles.

Guidance for icing your face

It's always prudent to have a chat with your healthcare or skincare specialist before trying facial icing. Once you get the nod, here's what you should keep in mind:

  • Ensure the ice tray you're using remains clean.
  • Prior to icing, make sure to wash your face.
  • Keep a clean flannel or tissue at hand to mop up any trickling moisture from your face.
  • Don't let the ice touch your skin directly. A fine cloth or another layer in between would protect your face and hands from the direct cold.

When it's advisable to skip skin icing

While skin icing is generally harmless for most folks, it's preferable to give it a miss if the following applies to you:

  • Sensitive or thin skin: Icing can exacerbate irritation and inflammation in those who already have sensitive skin.
  • Capillaries under the skin: If there are tiny red lines visible underneath your eyes, it's best to avoid ice as it can interfere with the healing process.
  • Following facial treatments: If you're in the process of healing from aesthetic surgery, peels, or laser procedures, it's crucial to avoid skin icing and let your skin recuperate naturally.

Your journey to skincare expertise begins at fresh

Alongside our excellent skincare products designed to enhance your skin's glow, we're here to arm you with valuable skincare wisdom. Dive into the realm of antioxidants and how to use them, investigate whether icing your skin truly helps, or get in the loop with innovative trends such as skin cycling and skin flooding. There's a universe of knowledge to unearth!

Author Profile
blog author tori

Tori Douglas

Global Digital

Written by Tori Douglas for Fresh. Tori is a NYC-based digital and brand strategist. Tori has worked for various publications and brands such as Kiehl's, The Body Shop, Deux Hommes Magazine, and Elite Daily with her expertise lying in the fashion & beauty space.